Dr. Peter M. Wherry

Dr. Peter M. Wherry
Reverend Dr. Peter M. Wherry is a native of Buffalo, New York. He received his early education in the schools of the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, graduating with honors from the St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute. He earned with honors, the Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work and Gerontology from Virginia Union University and also the Master of Divinity degree from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union both in Richmond, VA. He earned the Doctor of Ministry degree from the Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. As part of his doctoral studies, he traveled to El Salvador, Central America to study Christianity in Martyrial Perspective. He engaged in El Salvador with political leaders and theologians including one of the fathers of Liberation Theology, Dr. Jon Sobrino. Dr. Wherry also holds a Certificate in Church Management awarded jointly by ITC (Interdenominational Theological Center) in Atlanta, GA and The Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology in Richmond, VA.
Dr. Wherry has a wide variety of experiences as scholar, as pastor and as artist. As scholar, he has been Guest Lecturer in the Doctor of Ministry Program at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA and the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology in Richmond, VA where he is an Adjunct Faculty Member specializing in Baptist History. Most recently, Dr. Wherry currently serves as a doctoral Advisor in the D.Min. program at Hood Theological Seminary in Salisbury, NC. He has been a workshop facilitator and curriculum author for numerous conventions and churches. Dr. Wherry has also served as Academic Dean at the Mount Lebanon School of Ministry in Norfolk, VA where he taught Biblical Research Methods. He is author of numerous published works including a groundbreaking devotional book in the year 2000, co-authored with his wife, Dr. Wanda H. Wherry entitled, A Door of Hope, which includes a CD of music produced by Pastor Wherry and sung by Dr. Wanda. In June of 2013, his latest book, published by Judson Press, Preaching Funerals in the Black Church: Bringing Perspective to Pain, hit shelves in the U.S. and in the U.K. (Amazon UK).
Mayfield Memorial Missionary
Baptist Church
700 W Sugar Creek Rd
Charlotte, NC 28213
(704) 596-7935
Fax: (704) 596-1204